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Every practice owner has experienced...

  • Losing sleep over concerns about the practice
  • Burnout
  • Team members that gossip, show up late or call out sick

While striving to...

  • Scale the practice
  • Refine leadership skills
  • Make more money
  • Cut down on clinical time

The TYPICAL default response...

  • Put your head down and produce more
  • Cancel the CEO time that was scheduled
  • Not mentally present with family & friends

What’s your plan for solving these common ownership challenges? How will it enable you to cultivate a practice that aligns with your desired lifestyle?

Of course there is a formula for predictably scaling a dental practice: we need drive revenue / decrease overhead, attract more New Patients, and empower a team with leaders that alleviate our burdens as practice owners by solving problems before we ever become aware an issue existed.

We take a 3 pronged approach to grooming dental practice CEOs

  1. Mindset (developing team leads so you can escape management)
  2. Morale (building a sticky team culture)
  3. Maintenance (taking care of the engine, Mind & Body)
Our proven process instilled upon doc’s that “get it” results: practice growth & the flexibility in your personal life that you set out for as a practice owner. If you’re trying to cover ground faster and get off the hamster wheel. Chris, Tom, & Members of Dynamic Dental Ascension have been. In your shoes and have discovered an upgraded way to thrive as Practice owners.  

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Your investment – $1,800/mo-  no long-term contract, no obligation, no initiation fee – just proven results.

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With Dr. Thomas Reed

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With Dr. Chris Green

We look forward to hearing from you!

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