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Atmospheric Turbulance

Atmospheric Turbulence

At night time, have you ever wondered why light sources always seem to flicker? Whether it is the rogue nature of stars in the sky or a cityscape shimmering in the distance, it is not by pure chance or some mystical source of intermittent current driving the pulse. The variance in air temperature and wind speed occupying the space in between establishes a refractory force upon the light such that by the time it registers on the retina, it will appear to flicker. This is commonly known as atmospheric turbulence.

Metaphorically speaking, leadership is wrought with similar challenges which is why so much is made out of the intestinal fortitude required to truly define oneself as a leader. The air can be a bit rarefied at times making for potential hypoxic decision-making when challenging times arise. However, through self-awareness, humility, and a sprinkling of forgiveness, the shackles start loosening up and confidence emerges from the perpetual fog.

If there were ever a light source more symbolic and relevant to combatting uncertainty while also fostering hope, the lighthouse is just that example. Developed to simultaneously warn seafaring groups of imminent peril while representing a beacon of safety for those lost at sea, the lighthouse has stood the test of time. Considered one of the more iconic of structures in human history, its connection to leadership is uncanny. Servitude to others while simultaneously operating within an earnest set of parameters reflects the hallmark of a true leader. Having the means and wherewithal to maintain a safe and thriving environment is invaluable to the success of a company. Establishing a perpetual level of communication throughout the organization, anticipating challenges, and guiding through even the most unpleasant conditions exemplifies true lighthouse leadership. It eliminates the scatter and static from the environment and in turn, decreases the atmospheric turbulence.

First by inspiration then by virtue of aspiration, ascension to leadership mastery is wrought by challenges often unforeseen until deep into the process. This requires an inordinate amount of time and effort to foster. Having a community of like-minded colleagues genuinely dedicated to each other’s success is essential. Dental practice leadership is inherently lonely and often lacks any form of fellowship. However, there now exists hope in the form of a concerted effort to optimize the connectivity. Today, more than ever before, masterminding is on center stage in the life and routine of a practice owner. Not all opportunities are created equal, so it behooves the mentee to assess all options. The allegiance found in a group wholly committed to growth and development while minimizing atmospheric turbulence is by far one of the most essential elements of success for today’s practice leader.

If this is of interest or feels like a calling, then consider Dynamic Dental Ascension as a potential resource for you.

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